Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Singing melodies and harmonies...

Have been thinking lots about music over the past few weeks, at both an academic level and an enjoyment one.
Academic because I did this speech for one of my uni papers titled "music can save the world" so I've had thoughts buzzing about it's social impact and effects on physical health etc.
But mainly I've been wasting away the hours on youtube and itunes and the like, adding to the playlist of my slowly decreasing life. Which is slightly ironic, I feel - finding music to live life to, but taking so long enjoying the finding that I forget to live. But if I'm enjoying it then I guess I'm living, right?! who knows...

Anyway. Music.
Below is a video from Sam Tsui and AHMIR (produced by Kurthugoschneider) doing a mashup of Nothin On You and Hey Soul Sister. Tis pretty amazing, hence me wanting to share, and it's done so beautifully.
Also, if ya like it, Sam is auditioning to get on the cast of GLEE for Season 2, so go give him a gold star on the glee myspace page.

Also been hitting up a bit of Mumford and Sons, and also trawling through the numerous bands that I've accepted friend requests from on myspace.

A cappella still retains its place in the forefront of my mind (and heart), esp. UC Men's Octet, The Duke's Men of Yale, and UGA Accidentals.

But BEST OF ALL! Yeah Boy and Doll Face were reunited on the streets - or rather, street - of Wellington when Davy and I did a minor busking sesh. Money was pretty low for us, but we sounded good, got heaps of compliments, and approving looks from fellow musos, and even a business card from a guy who does a bit of event coordination. We're on the up, Doll Face!
Hopefully we'll get to do a repeat at least once before I head off overseas, since it may well be my favourite activity in the world ever, and therefore the best gift I could get. Unless someone wants to gift me $4500 to pay for my second semester's food and accommodation.
Cos Lord only knows where I'm gonna come across that amount of cash.

Davy will hopefully also be doing some recording towards the end of June, so I will claim the title of 'girl vocals' on that EP, yes I will. His myspace is here, if you're interested in hearing a couple of older recordings.

And that's actually all that is new, because as I said before, I really don't have a life.

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